Experiencing Disney
This won’t be long – primarily because other writers have done an amazing job talking about Mr. Disney and UX + the magic band experience at Disney World – just a few of my thoughts on visiting Disneyworld as an adult.

-Experience. Third time visiting, first time I staying at at a Disneyworld resort (Pop Century). Disney does such an amazing job with the customer experience. Truly I’m in awe of their ability to shape your emotions and keep you in the moment – even from the Orlando jetbridge!
–Magic band. It makes life so simple. Swipe to get into your room, pay for your snacks, activate your fast pass. When I checked my CC statement after the magic was over, I did realize the true cost of simplicity.

-Upcharges. We paid for additional tickets to attend Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween(after hours Magic Kingdom celebration) and a few premium dining experiences. They were really fun but if I were a parent with 4 kids I might feel differently.
–Lines. We couldn’t get fast passes for the immersive VR Avatar ride. So we waited 3+ hours in line. The ride was amazing and I’m still torn over whether I’d do it again (wait in line I mean). Animal Kingdom was the best park and I wish we’d checked it out sooner.
Overall, I tried to turn off the service design part of my brain and just enjoy the park… that being said, those with an interest in either, hit me up and share your thoughts!